Our Structure

Dr. Naresh Chand Maheshwari
Email: President@dpai.in

Dr. R.M.C.V Rao
Email: rlp_director@yahoo.com

Mr. Ajay Garg

Mr. Vinod Kumar Goyal
Email: vkg_aimhigh@yahoo.com

Ms. Jyoti Rai
Email: Jyoti.Rai@abaxservices.com
Mr. Paresh Shah
Email: pshah67@yahoo.com
Composition and Tenure:
National Council:
Total elected members to the National executive council would be 14, which would be elected regionwise in proportion to the membership of the regions directly by the members of the region. In addition to the elected members, there would be 7 directors/ members of the National Council would be nominated by the Central Govt./FMC/ Regulator/FICCI or other national bodies as decided by the National Council of this Association. An individual person/nominee of the same numbers can remain in office for the maximum period of two terms of 3 years each consecutively.
Regional Councils:
DPAI is an all India body comprising of four regional committees.The elected strength of each Regional Council shall be 15 members out of which 11 will be elected from the members of that region by that region, remaining 4 will be nominated by the National Council, but should be from the same region.The strength of the State Council would be 11 members, out of which 7 will be elected from the members of that state by the members of that state.Executive members in chapter would be 7 out of which 5 would be elected members and two would be nominated members.